Emma Turnbull Lawyers Pty Ltd is a specialist criminal defence firm offering advice and representation in all matters in the criminal justice system. We are accredited specialists in Criminal Law with the Law Institute of Victoria and a member of Victoria Legal Aid’s exclusive indictable crime panel.
Firm Partners Emma Turnbull, Adrian Lewin and Manny Brennan, together with our team of dedicated defence lawyers team can provide expert representation in a broad range of matters including:
Defence of criminal charges in all Courts
Bail applications
Plea hearings
Jury trials
Royal Commission Inquiries
Coronial Inquests
Intervention Order proceedings
Compulsory examinations at the Australian Crime Commission, Office of Chief Examiner and Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission
Children’s Court proceedings
When you are represented by the team at Emma Turnbull Lawyers Pty Ltd you gain the benefit of our excellent professional relationships and reputation with the Courts, barristers, forensic experts and other industry stakeholders.
Call our office today on (03) 9077 4834 to discuss your legal needs.