We Love What We Do. Come Join Us!
BrightPath is an innovative provider of early education. We continuously examine new ways to bring the highest quality of care and development to our children while providing convenience, service and value to our families. With partnerships in curriculum, nutrition, technology and recreational fitness programming, BrightPath is committed to providing families with the very best care, programs and child development North America has to offer.
Everything we stand for revolves around providing the very best care for your children. Here at BrightPath, we understand just how tough the decision and transition can be to send your child to child care.
Who is going to look after my child? Will they be safe? What will they do all day? Are they going to be challenged?
These are all questions we have wrestled with as parents. We would like you to consider us as an extension of the home; a caring and nurturing place where your children are intellectually and emotionally stimulated by a dedicated staff who are not only early childhood educators but amazing human beings.