Zafigo is a women’s online travel magazine and platform providing guides, ideas, stories and insights for women to travel safer, easier and better independently; and a community for women to share their travel experiences and knowledge with other women in Asia.
Zafigo organises the annual ZafigoX (the Zafigo Experience), an event dedicated to inspiring and empowering women through independent travel.
ZafigoX is a women’s-only event designed across 4 themes – Discover (extraordinary women, destinations and experiences), Learn (how to explore the world safer, easier and better independently) , Meet (network with speakers, attendees and travel service providers) and Go (#SheTravels, a marketplace for women-friendly and women-focused travel services and products).
Zafigo is founded by Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, a writer and activist whose passion for women's rights has been a constant thread throughout her working life.