Mail & Deploy is a powerful and flexible alternative to Qlik® NPrinting and provides a self-service, enterprise BI reporting suite for Qlik® on-premises or in the cloud.
From report design and creation to sharing and automated scheduling, Mail & Deploy brings reporting superpowers to Qlik® power users and decision-makers by combining the benefits of workflow automation, visualization and communication.
Mail & Deploy makes reporting with Qlik® easy, so you can now collect, analyze and report your data out of Qlik (SaaS), Qlik Extensions and SQL databases in a relaxed manner!
Mail & Deploy helps you wrap your analyzes from QlikView®, Qlik Sense® and Qlik Sense® Saas effortlessly and time-saving in attractive and informative reports and distributing them automatically.
Generate engaging reports quickly and flexibly with your data from Qlik® and wow your decision-makers. With Mail & Deploy you can create and send customized reports from which the recipients consume the latest business
developments and insights, when, where, on which device and in which format they prefer.
The powerful Reporting Suite for Qlik® completely redefines your reporting! Improve decision-maker satisfaction, extend report life spans, and mitigate the risk of your decision-making with this innovative reporting solution for QlikView®, Qlik Sense® and Qlik Sense® SaaS.
Get more out of your reports with Mail & Deploy!