is an Artificial Intelligence system that mines Big Data to find out which Attorneys win before which Judges. It is a very, very unfair advantage in Litigation.
Premonition also has the World's Largest Litigation Database - Bigger than every major litigation database combined:
• Global case search
• Real time updates
Other uses:
• Law Firms - Account pitches using data
• General Counsel - Internally defendable litigator selection. Get the best and prove it.
• Risk Managers - Historical litigation data with outcomes and costs. Litigation trend alerts.
• Law Enforcement - Global case search, real time alerts, litigation heat mapping.
• Big data - Integration with other data sets, financial regression analysis.
• Lobbying - Premonition knows which lobbyists get which bills passed with which politicians, committees and agencies.
See a free demo of the system that bought transparency to law at:
Download our controversial new report: "Law's Secrets Revealed: A Big Data Look At Litigation"
• How good are the Big Law Firms?
• Do higher priced Litigators deliver better results?
• Are Partners better than Associates?
• Are there some Attorneys that rarely lose before certain Judges?
• Are Men better lawyers than Women?