fea is regional non-governmental organization, established in 2007, with it's offices in Sarajevo and Belgrade.
The most important areas of fea’s operations to date are:
-transition from government to governance and enhanced democracy in the management of natural resources and protected areas,
-responsible management of natural resources (especially forests and land) and sustainable, environmentally-sound and rural development,
-support to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
-implementation of international multilateral environmental agreements (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification - UNCCD, United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity- UNCBD and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - UNFCCC),
-empowering women, young people, and rural communities.
fea’s tools for actions are:
-project design and management at national and regional level
-contributing technical expertise and knowledge and conducting desk and field research
-applied research supporting informed decision-making; design and implementation of surveys, focus groups discussions and community information sessions
-development and implementation of the Advocacy Action Plan(s), developing policy dialogue and influencing policy-makers
-development and implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan(s) and facilitation of the stakeholder consultations
-design and implementation of public awareness campaigns at local and national level
-support to the public administration, CSO and communities capacity building
-IT - design and development of portals and websites, information systems and GIS based interactive maps
-organisation of various events: workshops, roundtables, study tours etc.
-international/regional cooperation, networking and building partnerships
-conducting non-formal environmental education and introducing forest pedagogy practices
-other: publishing, fundraising, marketing, social media, etc.