All members of our community should be:
Empowered to Achieve, Inspired to Excel’
Oriel High School opened to students in September 2004. The school continues to accept a new entry of year 7 students in each academic year. Our Sixth Form opened in 2008, with a full 11-18 school operating by 2009. At Oriel High School we enjoy a strong sense of community amongst students and staff and we value this throughout the school. We are an inclusive school and we take every measure to ensure that all students can access and benefit from the broad curriculum we offer. Oriel High School holds the Dyslexia Aware mark for its excellent work in this area. We also hold Healthy Schools status and our work in encouraging and enabling our students to live and develop healthier lifestyles is being recognised. We also hold Investor in Careers status.
Since the school’s first GCSE examinations in 2007, results have continued to improve. The sixth form is now established and highly successful.
Oriel High School has been inspected four times by Ofsted since the school was opened in September 2004. Ofsted carried out our fourth inspection in March 2016. The previous inspection report in 2012 had graded the school as ‘Good’. We were delighted as a school community that Ofsted had seen sustained improvements in our school since their last visit and Oriel High School continued to be graded graded as a ‘Good’ school overall.
What pleased us most was the acknowledgement that we are improving all the time and have the capacity to improve further, which is very much part of our vision and school development plan
Oriel High School remains ambitious for our students and for our school and we are excited about the journey ahead.