Our Mission:
To help Home of the Sparrow and their mission to provide hope, opportunity, and support that empowers women and children as they journey from homelessness to self-sufficiency. Visit www.hosparrow.org for details.
What We Do:
Community Threads is a one of a kind thrift store. We strive daily to provide the highest quality clothing, furniture, housewares, books, games, and so much more at the lowest possible price. You can find great quality brands in our store but you won’t pay more for them. But what really sets us apart is that we are truly nonprofit using our profits to help our neighbors.
Your purchase, donations and service at Community Threads help fund real change in your community. It supports our affiliates (and more) who provide help to homeless women and children in Home of the Sparrow's programs and services.
Community Threads began as a response to the needs of people in our community. This store is a source of funds to a network of christian charities that engage with the problems related to poverty. Some feed and clothe the homeless, shelter struggling families and provide a safe place for victims of abuse. Some bring education to children that may be denied it otherwise. Some provide recovery programs for addictions and some provide leadership training. It is our goal at Community Threads to provide our customers with quality merchandise at low prices and turn store profits into grants that serve these purposes. In 2018-2019, Community Threads became a part of Home of the Sparrow. Community Threads is now 1 of 7 Home of the Sparrow thrift stores in Northern Illinois.