SBH Kibing Silicon Materials (M) Sdn. Bhd., is a company under Kibing Solar Group, which is one of the leading glass manufacturers in China. Kibing Group was founded in 2005 and listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2011. The company has more than 10,000 employees, and with a total of 29 high-quality glass production lines that produce a total daily melting capacity of 17,690 tons, which consist of float glass, electronic glass and neutral borosilicate pharmaceutical glass.
In 2022, Kibing Group has invested RM2 billion in a solar glass project in Sabah for silica sand mining and production of silica and the downstream products. For this, SBH Kibing Silicon Materials (M) Sdn. Bhd. was established and estimated to create 300 jobs opportunities for the silica sand processing plant in Sikuati, Kudat, Sabah.