Expert in poultry robotics dedicated to broiler poultry, OCTOPUS saw its range expand following the acquisition of the assets of the company Tibot in November 2022.
Our mission: improve the daily lives of poultry farmers and the performance of farms.
OCTOPUS now meets the needs of all poultry farmers:
• XO robot
XO improves animal welfare and productivity in broiler farms. This autonomous mini tractor ensures the treatment of the litter and contributes in particular to the reduction of pododermatitis.
• T-Moov robot
Its mission is to get your poultry moving, reduce the laying rate on the ground and increase the fertility rate.
Suitable for laying hens, breeding hens, commercial turkeys, breeding turkeys.
• Easy-LIT electric scarifier
Simplify litter maintenance.
Maintenance of the litter without noise, without dust, without lifting the equipment and on your own, without risking injury to the poultry.
The robotic revolution is becoming obvious to meet the challenges of 21st century poultry farming.
AgTech, a pioneer in the world of biosecurity, OCTOPUS has been listed on the stock exchange since March 14, 2018 on the ACCESS compartment of Euronext Paris.