Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA) was incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization in 1993 under the name PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEIANC).
In 2021, we changed the organization's name to better reflect who we are and what we do and, most importantly, who our clients are. Our mandate is to provide short-term settlement services, and long-term inclusion and community integration programs for new immigrants in the province of Prince Edward Island.
First generation Canadians serve on the volunteer Board of Directors. New immigrants are also employed as staff members of the organization and contracted to provide interpretation and translation services.
*Settlement and Integration programs help newcomers immediately after their arrival in PEI, and later on if needed.
* Employment Assistance Service assists newcomers with: Assessment of strengths and skills; Identifying and overcoming employment barriers; Career and educational opportunities; Referrals to other programs and services; Resumes, cover letters and application forms;Job search plans;Improving interview skills.
* The Youth Settlement Services team works with school-aged immigrant children. Our team: Assists newcomer families with the enrollment of children in school or kindergarten;Helps students become successfully integrated into the PEI school system; Connects students with recreational programs;Organizes in-house programs and activities for newcomer children.
*Commmunity Engagement programming to assist with cultural inclusion and integration of clients through a number of activities, workshops, and other projects.