Manifatture Sigaro Toscano is an entity deeply rooted in the history and territory of the Italian nation, guardian of ancient traditions and the owner of the historical trademark TOSCANO® cigar which was born in 1815 and entered regular production in 1818. From sowing to harvest, through the manufacturing stages to the finished product, Manifatture Sigaro Toscano is the guarantor of quality standards alongside the most advanced companies in this sector. Strong links with the tobacco growers, research, quality and innovation: these are the company tools for competitive and sustainable development, in accordance with the consumer’s expectations. Proud flag bearer of the Italian style and strictly Made in Italy, Manifatture Sigaro Toscano exports to the world the essence of Italy that’s inside every TOSCANO® cigar, steeped in tradition, with the passion and pride to keep alive a true Italian icon