SQLabs is part of SQLIink group – a leading IT & Software company in Israel providing software, digital and web solutions, peer to peer IT services in a one stop shop.
SQLabs is an innovative training center that provides the knowledge and hands-on experience in a vast area of expertise.
From our daily interaction in the Hi Tech industry we have identified the need for experienced and professional employees. To provide that need we have developed a unique training program in order to train the next HI Tech generation by giving them actual hands on experience and be the answer to the shortage of experienced Hi Tech employees.
Our program combines new and already proved study methodologies emphasizes on practical training so at the end of the training we will deliver graduates with updated professional knowledge and practical experience equals 2 years in the industry.
Our vast experience in this industry allows us to give Hands-On training and renew our programs frequently according to the market needs.
In our main program we train the next generation of developers in Israel. All those, hand-picked to participate on our program are excel graduates, highly motivated to enter our intensive Boot Camp with the leading trainers in Israel. During their training they will get professional knowledge combined with daily practice in the highest level.