AGT Systems is authorized supplier of advanced technologies for the exploration industry. It has recognized expertise in providing modern integrated systems, equipment, software, training and technical support, including warranty, on-site repairs and post-warranty services. AGT Systems serves the fields of Geophysics, as well as Geological, Geotechnical and Geochemical sciences, supplying land, airborne and marine systems.
AGT Systems provides and supports equipment, instrumentation, software and turnkey systems for:
• Ground, Borehole and Airborne Geophysical Exploration for Minerals and Petroleum
• Exploration Contractors
• Earth Science Research and Observatory Monitoring
• University Geoscience Departments and Research Institutes
• Laboratory Physical Properties Measurements
• Engineering, Environmental and Archaeological Surveying including UXO detection
• Magnetometers - Portable, gradient, base station, airborne and observatory systems
• Gravity Meters - Portable, absolute and observatory instruments
• Gamma Radiation Spectrometers - Air and truck-borne, portable hand-held and borehole gamma spectrometers and stationary monitors
• Seismic survey systems and seismometers
• Geoscience data processing, modeling and interpretation software
• Marine instrument-equipped ROVs and sonar systems
• IP and resistivity systems
• Gas analyzers - Portable VOC, Volatile UXO vapor, soil gases, methane, C02, etc.
• Airborne, ground and borehole time domain and GPR electromagnetic systems
• Core and sampling drills
• Transportable camps