The Electrical Industries Charity is the national charity for the electrical and energy industries.
Supporting our people through life's challenges.
Our mission is to look after all people from the electrical and energy industries whenever they or their families need help with life's challenges, whether big or small, at every stage of their lives.
The Charity has a long association with our industries dating back to 1905 when The Electrical Trades Benevolent Institution was set up by ten leaders of the emerging electrical industry who felt a duty to help those in the industry in the event that "accident, infirmity, misfortune or old age, limited their activities or curtailed their means".
The Charity changed its name to EEIBA - Electrical and Electronics Industries Benevolent Association in 1967".
The world has changed since then, the electrical and energy industries have changed, and so has the original institution.
In 2014 the new name - the Electrical Industries Charity - speaks of a more connected and energised organisation at the heart of its industries, delivering practical support and bringing the industries together to help their own. The Electrical Industries Charity offers a range of services to support people in our industries:
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