Olive Diagnostics has developed a 100% passive sensor which is able to provide real time health alerts, early detection and progression of diseases.
The device can be used for self monitoring or remote monitoring of loved ones.
Using optics as a source of data collection, the sensor is mounted into the toilet and doesn't require any intervention. Users urinate in the toilet the same way they have all their lives, and the urine is monitored and analysed for any changes or abnormatlities.
Monitor the following biomarkers:
RBC (early detection of Kidney Stones)
Protein (Preeclamsia, Infections)
Electrolytes (Dis balance)
Changes in Urination Patterns (volume, time of day, frequency, duration)
Glucose, Ketone, Protein (Diabetes, pre-Diabetes)
Ketone - (dietary and starvation)
Specific Gravity ( Hepathrenal syndrom)
And this is just the tip of the iceberg....
The passiveness of the device makes it perfect for tracking a person’s bodily functions, keeping it healthy always.