Irish Seed Savers is a nonprofit charity (CHY 13989) supporting the conservation of Ireland’s unique environmental heritage, preserving and distributing heirloom vegetable seeds, potatoes, grains and Irish heritage apple trees. We provide information and educate the public on agricultural biodiversity locally and globally. We want to create an awareness of Ireland’s very special heritage varieties of apple trees and heirloom vegetable seeds.
Due to modern farming practices it is estimated that over 80% of heritage fruit & vegetable varieties have been lost. People are becoming more aware of this, and the importance of conserving our unique heritage; be it cultural or environmental. Here at Irish Seed Savers, our aim is to make the varieties that have been saved from extinction available to the public. These varieties are grown organically on site, are open pollinated, free from chemicals, suited to our Irish climate and as natural as nature intended. As Ireland’s only public Seed Bank we have a duty to protect and preserve them for future generations.
Our 20 acres of gardens, orchards and woodlands are open to the public, where we provide a space for community groups to come together and learn about Ireland’s diverse ecological heritage. We also provide a number of education and outreach programs to schools, giving talks, demonstrations and workshops helping them to attain a Green Flag award for their environmental education program.
Irish Seed Savers are a small charity and rely on the generosity of the public through donations and fundraising events.