Oreco develops, manufactures, and markets innovative and advanced solutions that combine the latest technology in automated tank cleaning, oil recovery and gas generators with superior components, robust constructions, and reliable customer support.
Based on decades of experience, Oreco’s automated tank cleaning and oil-water-solid separation systems are considered today the standard in the industry. Every year, more than 100 large crude-oil tanks at refineries, tank farms, etc. are cleaned with the Oreco Technology …and the number is growing.
Further, Oreco A/S supplies nitrogen and oxygen generators based on the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology. Used by a range of industries worldwide, Oreco PSA generators allow you to produce the required gas exactly where you need it, when you need it and in the quality that you require.
All Oreco systems are fully compliant with the latest industry regulations and are constructed to operate safely in potentially hazardous and harsh environments. Quality and safety will always remain our primary concern.
Oreco is ISO-certified (ISO 9001 and ISO 13485:2016) to ensure the continuous improvement of all procedures, guaranteeing the same high standards at all times – all over the world.
Choosing a solution from Oreco is your guarantee of efficient, cutting-edge technology that adheres to the Best Practice HSE requirements.
You are welcome to contact us or visit www.oreco.com for further information.