Eila Niitamo
Lecturer In Health Sciences at Diaconia University Of Applied Sciences
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Work Experience
Lecturer In Health Sciences
Aug 1998 - Present · 26 years and 4 months
Lecturer In Physiotherapy
Sep 1989 - Jun 1996 · 6 years and 9 months
doctors physiotherapy berkeley california
Aug 1987 - May 1988 · 9 months
Company Details
Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu (Diak) kouluttaa asiantuntijoita sosiaali-, terveys-, kirkon ja tulkkauksen aloille. Se osallistuu koulutusalojensa alueelliseen, valtakunnalliseen ja kansainväliseen kehittämiseen. Diakin kampukset sijaitsevat Helsingissä, Oulussa ja Porissa. Itä- ja Keski-Suomessa toimimme liikkuvalla DiakHub Itä-Suomi -toimintamallilla. Diakissa on noin 4 000 opiskelijaa ja noin 260 työntekijää. --- Do you want your work to have meaning? Diak graduates have strong professional skills, good interpersonal skills, an ability to work in multicultural environments and are ready to develop their own work and commit to lifelong learning. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) is a nationwide educational institution that trains specialists at the BA and MA level in the fields of diocesan work, education, social services, health and interpretation. Diak is located in three Finnish cities: Helsinki, Oulu and Pori. In Central and Eastern Finland we operate through a mobile DiakHub Eastern Finland model. Diak has approximately 4,000 students and 260 employees. Diak is responsible for more than 90 percent of the education that makes candidates eligible for diocesan and youth work positions in the Finnish Evangelical-Lutheran Church. Diak is by far the largest provider of higher education in the field of social services in Finland. Diak is committed to social justice, solidarity and the empowerment of people. It aims to train people to influence social change, work for a multicultural society and fight social exclusion. These are also our special focuses in our research, development and innovation work.
Year Founded
Social Media
Higher Education
HQ Location
Kyläsaarenkuja 2 Helsinki, Helsinki 00580, FI
KoulutusSosiaalialTerveysalKirkon alan koulutusDiakoniTulkkausTyöelämäyhteistyöEducatioUniversity of Applied sciencesiaconi
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