The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (formerly National Action Committee on AIDS) was established in February 2000 to coordinate the various activities of HIV/AIDS in the country. Among other purposes, NACA's mandates are to:
Coordinate and sustain advocacy by all sectors and at all levels for HIV/AIDS/STDs Expanded Responses in Nigeria;
Develop the framework for collaboration and support from all stakeholders for a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria;
Develop and present to the Presidential Council on AIDS, PCA, all plans on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria for policy decisions;
Develop and articulate a strategic plan for an Expanded National Response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria;
Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Strategic National Plan for the control of HIV/AIDS/STDs in Nigeria and all other approved policies;
Coordinate and facilitate the mobilization of resources for an effective and sustainable response to HIV/AIDS/STDs in Nigeria, and
Undertake any other duties as assigned by the PCA from time to time.