The mission of Dolphin Academy is to present the truth about dolphins despite their popular and sometimes mythological image.
We do this by providing an educational venue with our programs.
Through this venue visitors may observe and interact with trained bottlenose dolphins in both spacious enclosures and the open sea.
By offering information and interaction, we hope to encourage a sense of wonder and fascination based on fact, not fiction.
Dolphin Academy hopes to motivate its guests to a personal contribution for a better living environment for dolphins and therefore gives them the message: ‘If mankind continues to shroud dolphins in myth and mysticism...we risk losing them. Only by seeking the true nature of our fellow creatures, can we hope to protect them.’
Upon completion of a dolphin program, we implore our guests to remember their dolphin experience. We ask that the next time they read in the news, or see on television that a "x" number of dolphins have washed up on a beach, or drowned in fishing gear... they remember the names and "dolphinalities" of Curaçao - and realize that each dolphin is a valuable individual and not a mere statistic.
It is our sincere hope that these experiences foster care and concern for the welfare and protection of dolphins and their environment.