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About Edward Fisher
Edward Fisher is Customer Support Manager at PerfectIt™ in 12 Woodchurch Road
London, London NW6 3PN, GB. Previously worked at MySense - Certified B Corp as Support And Training Manager. PerfectIt™ is a Software Development company in 12 Woodchurch Road
London, London NW6 3PN, GB with 10 employees
Edward Fisher Social
Edward Fisher Work
Edward Fisher is the Customer Support Manager @PerfectIt™, with experience in Support And Training Manager, Technical Account Manager @MySense - Certified B Corp
PerfectIt for Microsoft Word™ and PowerPoint is the leading proofreading and editing software for professionals. It runs a series of specific consistency checks across your whole document, saving huge amounts of time and avoiding embarrassing errors that grammar and spell checkers won't find. Our software delivers faster, more accurate proofreading and editing for professionals, ranging from technical writers, copy editors, proposal writers and consultants to lawyers, medical writers and scientists.
PerfectIt checks consistency of things like acronym definitions, hyphenation, abbreviation, UK vs US spellings etc and suggests possible errors to users. It runs within MS Word and works with US, UK, Canadian, Australian and all other international types of English.
PerfectIt has a number of style guides built in, including The Chicago Manual of Style and Microsoft Writing Style. It is also completely customizable for your company House Style and writing preferences, and each of your clients' style guides.
Our Users
Tens of thousands users worldwide rely on PerfectIt. Now more than 300 law firms have joined the ranks of professional writers and editors in 72 countries who have been using PerfectIt since 2009.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is that humans make the best editing decisions and that they always will. We build technology to help them edit faster and better.
PerfectIt is available for a free 14-day trial (no credit card details required) at:
Automated ProofreadingAutomated Editingcustomizable for house style and style sheetsConsistency checkerChecks acronym definitionsChecks US vs UK spellingChecks against preferred capitalizatioChecks hyphenation consistencyRemoves double spaces