Water- en Energiebedrijf Bonaire N.V. (WEB) was founded in 1963 and is owned by the Public Entity of Bonaire (OLB). WEB is responsible for the sustainable, reliable and affordable supply of drinking water and electricity on Bonaire. We are working for over 20,000 households, companies and organizations on the island.
Bonaire is developing rapidly. The population is growing, tourism is developing. WEB invests a great deal to secure an appropriate level of the energy and drinking water supply. That also implies: contributing to the sustainable development of the island.
Therefore Bonaire invests in ‘green energy’: energy from renewable sources, such as wind, sun and algae, with the use of the best technology. WEB has also extended the collection and treatment of wastewater and the distribution of irrigation water. In 2021 WEB will independently be producing drinking water.
The team of WEB currently consists of 146 employees. They are working together at the water and energy company from and for the community of Bonaire: ‘Let’s do it together’.