Our Branch Objectives are
• To promote high standards of health, safety and wellbeing for people at work and people affected by work activities.
• To provide a support to IOSH members, in their professional development.
• To increase the number of members participating in branch activities.
• To contribute towards the professional development of branch members through our mentoring programme
• To encourage people to attend our branch meetings.
• To encourage people to enter the profession of occupational safety and health.
• To establish relationships with other local IOSH branches.
• To promote and encourage the benefits of IOSH membership and the development of the profession.
• To provide a facility for branch members to have both professional and social interaction.
• To provide a regular programme of events relevant to the professional interests of branch members.
• To ensure branch events are properly planned, managed and evaluated.
• To provide resources from branch events (including PowerPoint Pretentions, etc.).