To stand in the gap and journey with transitioning military leaders who desire to move from career success to a life of significance by inspiring them to serve God as faithful and obedient Kingdom finishers motivated for the work He is calling them to do.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Our Caleb Challenge Transition Strategies Workshop offers about 15 hours of interactive work, group discussion, and personal exercises to help jump-start our attendee’s transition from military service. Attendees are guided through a proven process by skilled workshop facilitators and transition coaches – all retired military leaders with over 200 years of combined leadership and life coaching experience. Our facilitators and coaches are dedicated to coming alongside to help stimulate your planning process and provide perspective and insight based on biblical principles and life experience.
• What does God have for me next?
• Who am I and why does it matter?
• What is the true measure of a life of significance?
• How will I finish?
• Discover and clarify the unique “fit” of your personality, strengths and life experiences for whatever God has for you next
• Build a Life Plan in light of what’s most important to you that you can use throughout your life’s journey
• Craft a personal mission statement aligned to your God-given shape
• Explore ‘best fit’ scenarios in the God-prepared path for your next season of life
• Accelerate progress and the quality of your decisions by interacting with other’s knowledge, strengths, and life experience