GTS is a Government Services company in business since 2006. It is an SBA certified 8(a) and SBA certified Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business (EDWOSB), a Hispanic Owned Small Disadvantaged business. We believe that it is our mission to deliver solutions to our Clients that not only meet requirements but exceed expectations. We provide a variety of services to the Federal Market space supporting clients in the US and OCONUS markets. We specialize in delivery of critical support in post conflict and emerging markets. GTS understands the challenges faced by our Clients and we know how to solve them. We possess a clear understanding of the professional skill and personal requirements necessary to meet the objectives and goals set forth by our clients. Currently headquartered at 5019 E. I20 Frontage Road, Willow Park, TX, GTS serves clients throughout the United States and OCONUS locations.