We find and fix what businesses often don’t see is wrong.
The Evans Group LLC is top rated worldwide, and was started by Chip Evans, Ph.D. over 37 years ago. Our firm encompasses management consultants and business advisers which includes over 52 licensed consultants and 11 partnering firms, working all over the world.
Priding ourselves on being unprofessional, we don’t create fancy PowerPoint presentations, or show up in a blue suit and red tie, and you won’t hear the usual buzzwords like you will from the big name consulting firms. Instead you’ll get No excuses – blunt in your face honesty!
We often tell you what you do NOT want to hear, but we help to improve your business. Building upon the foundation of analyzing & advising businesses, our reputation for “no buzzwords, in your face honesty” is quite well known.
We are best known for focus, strategy and execution.
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