Beloved Presents creates healing events. Through art, music, ritual, and celebration, Beloved’s objective is to model a new culture that understands the depth of our connection with each other, to the planet, and to our souls.
We respectfully present sacred music from diverse global traditions, acknowledging conscious dance music as fitting into the broader context of sacred and healing music. Our current programs include two annual events, roughly two dozen Portland-based shows/workshops, and various collaborations with other likeminded organizations.
Beloved Presents is most known for the Beloved: Sacred Art & Music Festival, a 4-day, camping, art, education, and music festival on the Oregon coast. Since its inception in 2008, the festival has grown to over five times its original size and is known for selling out as early as six months in advance, frequently before the lineup is released.
Beloved Presents continues to push the boundaries of possibility and to develop unique transformational events that inspire others to face fear and act from power to offer healing for our participants and for our world.