The Registrar General's Department (RGD) is an Executive Agency and Jamaica’s sole repository of birth, death, marriage and fetal death records. The RGD is the only organisation in Jamaica which is responsible for registering vital events- births, fetal deaths, marriages and deaths and for carrying out the following activities:
-Keeping safe important historical and public documents such as wills, naturalisation certificates of citizenship and Laws of Jamaica
-Classifying diseases indicated on the Medical Certificates of the cause of death (MCCD)
-Monitoring the activities of all Marriage Officers, Civil Registrars and Local District Registrars (LDR)- persons who register births and deaths.
-Producing certified copies of birth, death, and marriage records on request.
-Producing No-impediment certificates
-Correcting errors of fact on vital records
-Adding a father's particulars to his child’s birth record
-Authorizing and effecting re-registrations and late-registrations
-Registering Opticians, Trade Unions, Building Societies and Staff Associations
-Producing statistical reports and summaries from registration records and data. These statistics include disease classification using the tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) standards
-Recording deeds such as Deed Polls, Conveyances, Bills of Sale and Powers of Attorney
-Registering and indexing of mortgages and releases from National Housing Trust, Agricultural Credit Board, etc.