*** Platypus is opening a new office in Victoria, Australia and is looking for any potential collaborators, around water, agriculture or robotics. Reach out to paul@senseplatypus.com with any leads! ***
Platypus develops intelligent autonomy, artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches for a range of robots. We specialize in marine vehicles for inland water and have a fleet of autonomous robots that we can use to generate the information stakeholders need to make better management decisions around water. Our R&D and consultancy services will design and implement state-of-the-art, yet practical, AI solutions for existing or novel robots to take on any problem.
Most every aspect of our lives is now data-driven, and we believe that it’s time that the water that we cook with, bath in and drink every day should be as well understood as everything that we interact with on a daily basis. We believe robotic watercraft are the key to getting this information.
We have performed data collects and water analysis on every continent except Antarctica. During our work with a diverse set of customers, in multiple countries, we’ve analyzed water in a variety of settings:
Retention ponds
Drilling pad environments
Recreation and fishing areas
Agriculture - fish farms, pig farms
Housing estates built around lakes
… In rivers, lakes and ponds
Platypus was spun out of Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute in 2012. The spin out has been done with IP and mentoring support by the Centre for Technology Transition and Enterprise Creation and Project Olympus.
Let’s get started on a project! Visit us at: http://senseplatypus.com/contact/