For over three decades, Elite has empowered automotive professionals to thrive. Our commitment is evident in our diverse offerings—from sales training to management coaching to our mastermind peer group. And the results?
📈 Advisor sales increase by $11,212+/month post-Masters training.
💰 4 to 1 ROI in 90 days with Top Shop 360 coaches.
🌟 Pro Service members average $1.7M in sales, staying 7+ years.
Stepping into Elite means joining a community of industry veterans, with tried-and-true methods for enduring success.
At Elite, three words encapsulate our essence: People, Principles, Results. Our mission: Elevate automotive pros and an industry we cherish. Guided by ethics and trust, we're here for your journey.
Did we mention our 1:1 coaching program has no contracts? ✅