White Cloud Foundation (WCF) is a Queensland-based not-for-profit founded in 2011 by Professor Adam Scott. WCF's focus in on providing practical support and easy access to clinical treatment to Australian's needing some help to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Professor Scott recognized there was a significant gap in mental health services in Australia, particularly in regional, rural, and remote areas. He saw this first-hand when touring regional Queensland to establish his Tele-Cardiac Investigations program.
With this in mind, he developed the White Cloud Tele-Mental Health Service which launched in 2021. This service is based on the principles and operating model which have made the Tele-Cardiac Investigations program a resounding success.
WCF has also developed and implemented other services including Meals for Mums - which provides practical support for mothers at risk of or struggling with perinatal depression - and the peer-to-peer support network called Steaks with Mates.