Our businesses are grouped under two umbrellas ‘KORRA Energi’ and ‘KORRA Agri’ each in their own specialized field. Regarding the Energy Sector, we are specialized in providing integrated, customized, innovative and value adding engineering solutions, both in Egypt. We have over 20 years of experience in the fields of; Electromechanical Contracting, Energy solutions & Industrial Trading. Moreover, it is one of the few companies in Egypt licensed for generating, distributing and selling electricity. In addition to being a first class contractor in the “Egyptian Federation for Construction & Building Contracts”. Also the company works in the field of Agriculture export for strawberries and Pesticides & Fertilizers. We also work in the field of water pumps and refractory materials for the cement and steel factories.
Korra (legal name Consukorra CO.) is an Egyptian Joint Stock Company that was established in 1997