더핑크퐁컴퍼니는 애니메이션 시리즈 및 영화, 음원, 공연, 모바일 애플리케이션, 게임, 라이선스 제품 등 온·오프라인 콘텐츠를 제작, 유통, 서비스하는 글로벌 패밀리 엔터테인먼트 기업입니다.
We at The Pinkfong Company are driven by the mission to connect peoples around the world through joyful content and entertaining experiences.
Combining a gamut of offerings, including memorable music, engaging stories, and innovative technology, our content brings joy and inspiration to kids and families worldwide.
Our belief in the power of content inspires us to push new frontiers in family entertainment.