Beeya is an AI- driven meta- search engine that drives job seekers to over 11 million jobs daily.
Why Us? Beeya has every job listing from every major job platform along with 46 additional partners. So instead of applying for jobs on multiple platforms, Beeya provides access to all of the jobs available. Here's how Beeya is different:
1) All listings, one place
2) No job older than 20 days
3) No repeat listings
4) Our algorithm thinks for you.
Our Algorithm: Once a job seekers resume is uploaded, Beeya starts matching you with job postings relevant to your work experience. It will also suggest career paths you didn't even consider, based on your experience.
Our mission statement: To take the bias out of job searching.
Getting a job should be based on merit, not on gender, skin color, socio-economic background, or referrals.