Loyalty Point is a place where together with our team we bring almost 20 years of experience in customer, loyalty and marketing business. We’ve done almost every loyalty program out there: big & small, short & long in retail, finance, services, B2B, B2C – you name it. Now we are happy to share what you should and shouldn’t do when launching a new loyalty program, so you can get the most satisfied customers and profit out of it.
Working with clients we always look for the biggest areas for growth and improvement. Loyalty programs are often a great way to grab the low hanging fruits. With all systems and solutions being tailor made at Loyalty Point we are free to offer you the best fit for your brand. We are not a regular agency building business. We hire and train your business partners, not account managers. Hence our people will be able to deliver you real business results.
In just over 2 years we have managed to grow our business to 50+ happy and loyal employees and 20+ customers. The biggest project so far is the Ikea Family setup done locally in Poland. It’s a world class, award-winning, loyalty solution and Poland is now a regional center of excellence for Ikea Family program.