The South Eastern European Youth Network (SEEYN) is a network organisation involving 19
member NGOs and several Implementing Partner Organisations from Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo under the auspices of the United Nations (UNSCR1244),
Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. It is an attempt of overcoming differences among
societies that have recent tradition of conflicts through bringing young people from the entire South
Eastern Europe region to work together.
“The vision of SEEYN is to achieve a stable region with developed mutual understanding without
prejudices among young people through their mobility, co-operation, and active role in society.”
SEEYN aims to promote pro-social values, peace and understanding through grassroots volunteer
exchanges, advocacy actions and capacity building in organisations.
Since its establishment, SEEYN and its member NGOs work together towards SEEYN vision by
using the volunteering as "glue that keep societies together". We believe that volunteering is a key
mean for promotion and development of active civic participation, but also for combating poverty,
strengthening the social inclusion, economic development, inter-generational solidarity, supporting
the intercultural dialogue and breaking down the stereotypes and prejudices and establishing of
mutual understanding and tolerance.