Born in a small, Southern California, blue-collar beach town, graced with world class point breaks and seaside racetracks, where ghosts of a once towering oil industry still linger in the shadows...
Iron & Resin is the brainchild of several friends, after years-and-years of industry experience, decided to turn back the clock and start anew. we started this brand because we were tired of the disposable garbage so many brands were peddling to us. the result is a small, hand built collection of goods that draws heavily upon the founder’s own lifestyles and experiences.
Our mission is to to create purposeful and quality-built provisions and make them last a really long time. We are the opposite of fast fashion. What does that mean? The goods we make have been built for a purpose. We use them. We field test them. We break them. We're hard on them. All of it. Made to be worn in, not out.