PSL has supported major contractors in the subsea cable industry for over 30+years, globally. PSL is capable of offering custom engineering services with a quality oriented project management and execution services ensure the successful delivery of each project.
Execution operations such as cable loading and transportation to site, cable pull-ins to shore either directly or through pre-installed ducts via HDD, cable laying and installation activities, seabed trenching via mechanical means and/or jetting, offshore mechanical protection via concrete mattress installation, articulated pipes or other means manufactured in-house, as well as provision of IMCA Compliant diving services, all form part of the integrated services developed and provided by PSL with over 30 years of development and execution experience.
PSL can support as either a turnkey solution provider or a subcontractor to major cable installation companies and marine contractors across all industries of Telecommunications, Energy Transmission and Offshore Oil & Gas.
PSL Supports the Value Added approach of being able to offer a ''Cradle-to-Grave'' approach, supporting the development of a new subsea connection via Desk-Top Study, Marine Surveying, Route Engineering, Installation, Protection and After Sales Support & Maintenance, through the lifecycle of the asset, In-House.
With a Multidisciplinary and Specialized Team and Assets, PSL is able to simplify complex connections and deliver successfully to the owner, a quality engineered and planned final product.