Impresoft Engage is a unique reality in the Italian landscape, born with the goal of connecting businesses to the customer of tomorrow by establishing a strong and lasting bond. We prioritize customer experience by creating digital environments that integrate people, processes, and data.
Our customized solutions, ranging from CRM processes and technologies to digital strategy, from marketing automation to online and offline sales processes, including Customer Service Management, empower companies to optimize processes and meet customer needs.
We are certified in leading global technologies, solidifying our position as an excellent partner. Among our certifications, we proudly hold the title of Elite Partner of SugarCRM, HubSpot Diamond Partner, Zoho Premium Partner, Gold Partner, and Microsoft Business Applications Partner. These partnerships represent our constant commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions and quality services to our clients.
As part of the Impresoft Group, we are a collection of specialized and complementary companies organized into 4 Competence Centers: Business Solutions, Industry Solutions, Customer Engagement, and Corporate Resilience. The synergies generated by these integrations, combined with a mix of talents, skills, solutions, and services, have allowed the group to build an unparalleled portfolio to accompany businesses on their digital transformation journey.
- +39 0444 189826