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About Dick Lockhart
Dick Lockhart is Visitation Minister at Triad Baptist Church in 1175 S Main Street
Kernersville, NC 27284, US. Previously worked at Gospel Rescue Missions as Executive Director, Men'S Program Director. Triad Baptist Church is a Religious Institutions company in 1175 S Main Street
Kernersville, NC 27284, US with 17 employees
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Dick Lockhart Work
Dick Lockhart is the Visitation Minister @Triad Baptist Church, with experience in Executive Director, Men'S Program Director @Gospel Rescue Missions
Founded in 1983, Triad Baptist Church is a family of more than 1,400 with a mission to guide individuals toward Christ both in the Piedmont Triad area and in more than a dozen countries. From our wooded, 90 acre campus in the heart of Kernersville, we seek to honor Christ by worshiping our living God, connecting with people, serving our community, and reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Visitors and members have described us as “friendly” and “Biblically sound!"
The many ministries directed by Triad have a united purpose. Whether it be our youth and children’s ministries, including the pre K-12th grade academy; worldwide missions outreach; our ministries for moms, for those grieving, for those with cancer; our Sunday evening seminars on practical topics such as managing finances, strengthening marriages, and parenting; the Connect Groups, which offer small-group support, fellowship, and teaching; or if it is any of our other many ministries; our goal is to build stronger relationships with God through our church and to make a difference in Kernersville and beyond.
Stronger lives, stronger families, and stronger communities … it’s a never-ending journey of faith.