The Calais School is a leading private, non-profit school in special education serving young people in grades Pre-K through 12 Plus since 1970. Our mission is to empower and encourage students with special needs including ADHD, reading and math weaknesses, anxiety and mood disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
The Calais staff provide a safe, nurturing, and academically challenging environment for students requiring new behavioral and academic strategies in a non-judgmental atmosphere.
Students come to Calais by referral from local school districts, therapists, and counselors throughout nine northern New Jersey counties.
NJ Core Academic ProgramsBehavior Modification ProgramsCognitive/Behavioral CounselingIEP supervisioSpeech & Language SpecialistsReading SpecialistsCareer & Technical and Transition Education ProgramStudents Come To Calais Via Referrals