Conserve Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (CONSERVE) is a Sustainable Consulting firm in the business of planning, design, development and maintenance of Energy Efficient, Sustainable, High Performance Green Buildings/Built Environments and Organizations. In a short span of time , CONSERVE has earned unmatched reputation in Bangladesh, India, Middle East Asia (Qatar, UAE, Kuwait) and South East Asia (Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore) through wide spectrum of projects and trust of satisfied clients across multiple multiple vertical viz. Airports, Commercial, Healthcare, Hospitality, Industrial Manufacturing, Infrastructure, IT Parks, Office Space, Residential, Retail, School and Educational Institutions etc.
CONSERVE aims at delivering performance through a unique combination of People, Processes and Technology. An expert team of professionals and specialists employs innovative methodologies and technical know-how to achieve the sustainable goals.Our team consists of LEED Fellow, LEED AP, IGBC Fellow, IGBC AP, GRIHA Trainers, ISO Professionals among others.
To create a world class organization that delights customers by offering sustainable solutions in the built environment for the betterment of our world.
We will deliver sustainable, world class solutions for the built environment utilizing pioneering and innovative technologies, managed by inspired and skilled people and delivered through result oriented processes to achieve customer delight.
CONSERVE brings together knowledge of materials, design techniques, energy analysis, renewable energy methods, carbon credit and green certification to serve client's specific needs and best fit solution.
Services pertinent to "Green Building" / "Green Buildings" :
Green Certificaion (LEED, GRIHA, IGBC, ISO 50001 etc.)
CertificationPLUS (Design, Construction, Operations)