TEKchand was founded in 1999 with the mission to develop a quick to market, vendor agnostic software solution for ATM channel management. We service our clients with the same commitment to excellence, regardless of size. Our experience working in complex processing environments enables us to understand ATMs in single and multi-vendor environments.
TEKchand delivers a single, integrated platform for ATM operations, marketing, personalization & cross-channel engagement that does not require software or hardware replacement. Our product applications can deliver desired solutions in a plug'n'play format, or as a middleware via our extensive API Library.
At its inception, TEKchand's focus was to deliver solutions through the ATM host with a Base24 implementation, and by 2002 we used Connex as the host. Today, Tekchand interfaces directly with the ATM, and we have our proprietary ATM agent in production on almost every major ATM manufacturer's device. We continue to support Host interfaces like ACI Base24™, FIS IST™, InterPro TAS™ as well as proprietary platforms from, USA Eastern Europe, India and the Middle East.