Deepak Bhandari
Managing Director at Ehi International P.
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Work Experience
Managing Director
Apr 2013 - Present · 11 years and 8 months
Company Details
51-200 Employees
EHI International is a leading, multi-dimensional, healthcare consulting company with a successful track record of 15 years, working with national and state/provincial governments, hospitals, healthcare investors, entrepreneurs, regulators, development partners, national and international NGOs to review, innovate, strategize, plan, develop, change and strengthen as part of transformational processes leading to sustainable and evolved organisations. EHI International has successfully completed more than 130 prestigious assignments covering the entire country including - Technical Assistance to € 240 million European Commission supported National Health and Family Welfare Sector Investment Programme supporting 25 state health departments to implement systemic reforms; Technical Support to KfW funded Basic Health Project in West Bengal assisting the health department to design, develop systems, build capacities, promote implement and monitor public private partnerships (PPPs); Support to 239 district health administrations in the country (135 under RCH programme and 104 under NRHM) to develop capacities to prepare district health plans; Technical Assistance to Haryana Health Department to design and launch state-wide Urban Healthcare programme offering primary health care services for urban poor through a combination of PPP and health insurance strategies; Assisting Himachal Health Department to develop a Hospital Quality Management and Accreditation System for Hospitals; Conducting Health Surveys of 770,000 households for 3 consecutive years as part of AHS in India; Assisting MOHFW and 3 state health departments to design BCC strategies and plans; training over 20,000 health and nutrition functionaries to promote Zinc-ORS usage for diarrhoea management. We specialise in public health research, planning, systems and capacity development, management and evaluation of programmes funded by international donors/NGOs, Govt of India, State Govts and the private sector.
Year Founded
Social Media
Research Services
HQ Location
Gurgaon, IN
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