Deepa Kumaravel
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Work Experience
Creative Consultant
2021 - Present · 3 years and 11 months
My own company
Brand And Advertisement Consultant
2013 - Present · 11 years and 11 months
Magic Lantern Theatre Ltd
Theatre And Events
1995 - Present · 29 years and 11 months
Company Details
<Push360> cloud platform, our secret sauce, is a high value business utility for every small business. We provide a complete and powerful solution for brand building and local marketing. With marketing automation and advertising, Push360 delivers the right mix of media and emotional campaigns that grow your brand reach, fan base and sales distribution. The tactical side of the business plan includes an amazing group of people who understand technology and are passionate about learning. We are first and foremost a learning organization with customer friendliness and caring as a foundation. The technology is connected, meaningful and with objective and results. Responsive web sites, mobile apps, Google presence, YouTube listings, and Bing search ranking and information, Amazon stores, Yelp listings, Yahoo listings, Twitter and Facebook connections, helping the small business owner focus on what they do best. <Push360> simplifies the process and cost of building a complete marketing process that automates web building, mobile app development, intelligent video content, email marketing with reporting so the business owner can see results and know what is working for your business.
Year Founded
Social Media
Advertising Services
HQ Location Henderson , Nevada 89044, US
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