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About Deb Eslinger
Deb Eslinger has 3 current jobs including Vice President Of Operations & Executive Partner To Executive Vice President at Maxwell Leadership Foundation in Bismarck, North Dakota, United States, Vice President Of Operations & Executive Partner To Executive Vice President at EQUIP Leadership, Corporate Trainer, Speaker & Coach at Eslinger Consulting, LLC. Maxwell Leadership Foundation is a Non-profit Organizations company in 2050 Sugarloaf Circle
Duluth, GA 30097, US with 22 employees
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Deb Eslinger Work
Deb Eslinger is the Vice President Of Operations & Executive Partner To Executive Vice President @Maxwell Leadership Foundation, with experience in Vice President Of Operations & Executive Partner To Executive Vice President @EQUIP Leadership
We add value to leaders who multiply value to others and the results are growing leaders who produce transformation. The JMLF marries its influence and resources with the desire and engagement of top tier leaders in the key streams of influence and the results are truly transformational.
Values-based transformation tables are the key essential used to share leadership values, provide opportunities for self-reflection, and drive commitment to measurable action steps. Steps may be small, but as they are taken weekly, consistency compounds and the results snowball.
As individual lives are changed, the companies where those individuals work are changed, the culture of organizations improve, and the results are real and measurable. Imagine the potential as key streams of influence are collectively impacted and we see lasting, positive change at a personal, community and national level.
The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation grows leaders to transform their world, and we are doing it one community, school and country at a time!