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About Dean Ten Eicken
Dean Ten Eicken is Account Coordinator at Blue Selenium Solar, Inc in 400 TradeCenter
Suite 5900
Woburn, MA 01801, US. Previously worked at Steam-Funk Productions, LLC as Staff. Blue Selenium Solar, Inc is a Renewables & Environment company in 400 TradeCenter
Suite 5900
Woburn, MA 01801, US with 4 employees
Blue Selenium Solar is a local New England renewable energy company providing the full spectrum of solar energy services, solar electricity, solar thermal hot water systems, and renewable energy consulting for homeowners and businesses in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
You can significantly cut your monthly electric bills using readily available Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credits to pay for 30 % of the cost of your system! There is no cap on the size of the system or on how much you can save. In addition to the Federal funds, there are also other State tax incentives, rebates, and renewable energy credits available to you to help pay for up to 40 % your solar power system.
You can reduce your family's dependence on foreign oil and gas. You can also protect yourself from rising energy prices. In the long run, investing in solar can "earn" you more money than stocks or bonds. Most homeowners earn double-digit returns on their solar investments. As utility prices go up, your savings actually increase each year!
If you have decided that you want to make a difference, we can show you how.
Thermal Hot WaterPanel InstallationMarketingSolar Power System InstallationElectricianSolar Energy CompanySolar PanelsThermalSolar Panel InstallationSolar Energy
Solar energy servicesSolar electricity installationSolar thermal hot water systems installationRenewable energy consultingTax credit utilizationEnergy savings analysis
Solar energy servicesSolar electricitySolar thermal hot water systemsState tax incentivesRenewable energy creditsFederal Renewable Energy Tax Credits
Solar energy servicessolar powerlternative energyenergy efficiency consultingsolar thermal hot water systemssolar for businesssolar for home ownerslternative energy systems