We are an independent non-profit association representing 750+ commercial tenants and property owners in Yaletown. We aim to enhance our members' business opportunities by leading action to improve the community environment and promote Yaletown as the place to visit and do commerce.
Yaletown is a vibrant commercial & residential district with a diverse mix of world-class and award-winning boutiques, eateries and services. The Yaletown BIA has evolved with the area and is now a mature organization with a long list of accomplishments & accolades, and the capability of organizing top-tier international opportunities such as the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics street party and outstanding public events that attract thousands of shoppers and diners annually.
Since 1999, the Yaletown BIA continues to:
1. Beautify Yaletown’s streets and buildings
2. Foster economic development via effective marketing
3. Reduce (and minimize) commercial property taxes
4. Improve street safety and areal security
5. Maintain heritage district presence
Yaletown has been branded as Vancouver's most sought-out district.