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About David Zemmol
David Zemmol is at Foxfield LLC in New York City Metropolitan Area. Previously worked at Sundial Ground as undefined. Foxfield LLC is a Real Estate company in 265 Franklin Street
Suite 1001
Boston, Massachusetts 02110, US with 29 employees
Foxfield has been a recognized visionary in real estate investing, providing its clients precisely what they value most: a bold, strategic point of view backed by a solid leadership position.
Foxfield operates with the confidence that comes from proprietary market relationships. We actively seek out exceptional real estate opportunities based on the tenured market opinion, deep synergies of expertise and balanced perspectives of our senior management team. Disciplined and deliberate, we uncover opportunities, create value and unlock potential. Foxfield is an active purchaser and developer of industrial and residential real estate across the United States.
Industrial real estateResidential real estateReal estate development
Deal SourcingFinancing and Capital RaisingPartnership and Joint Venture FormatioUnderwriting and Due DiligenceAsset ManagementProperty ManagementDevelopmentConstruction ManagementEquityCommercial Real Estate